27 November 2012

I. 'VeSPA One Page Plan' – Part 1 [V] Visioning, i) Purpose | by Greg Jenkins

 “I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” Mark Twain
Why one page? Monster plans of 20, 50 or 80 pages rarely get read and it seems don't get implemented 90% of the time. They end up draining energy whilst gathering dust in the bottom shelf.
The One Page Plan has real energy because it contains the spirit of the whole plan on one page. A one page plan expresses the strategy succinctly, where every word is vital and loaded with power. Unlike its supersized counterpart, the one page plan is implementation ready.
The VeSPA™ | One Page Plan is both a high level plan and implementation planning process. The high level plan [Ve] comprises [V] Visioning - i) purpose, ii) vision iii) goals and [e] embedded values and principles.
i) Purpose
The first component of the One Page Plan is Purpose (also called mission). We divide purpose into Core and Higher Purpose. Refining and rewording a purpose statement is one of the most important tasks for organizational leaders.
Core Purpose questions are “what do we do?” and “why are we here?” It is expressed clearly and succinctly in terms that everyone inside and outside the organization understands.
Higher Purpose is relevant to with a purpose for the greater good. What good do we do? This typically applies to charities, NGOs, churches etc but could apply to any organization with a higher purpose.

"Best Beats First" | Jim Collins
Next issue: VeSPA | One Page Plan | Visioning ii) "Vision"